Good Cities

Books in this category deal with transforming our communities and cities into "Good Places". For a community to form a good place, the members of the community collectively need to form a vision and work together to build up their vision of a good place. Building up a good place is more of a process than an event, but the following book are a great resource with which to start:

Good Cities Book

$15 USD

The Good City: Transformed Lives Transforming Communities by Glenn Barth

The point of view expressed throughout this book is that cities are powerful shapers of culture. Because of this, people of faith and people of good will can work together to improve peoples' lives and exert a positive influence on the direction of cultural change.

Both the Christian and the person who may not consider him or herself a follower of Christ have a vision of a better world. These visions are often similar enough that collaboration will bring shared visions into reality.

This is a book that offers exciting new approaches to encourage people who want to have a positive impact and ally themselves with others who care about the same issues. This book will help leaders empower people to pursue their passion and calling in life by recognizing opportunities in the decentralized, postmodern context in which we live and work.

Glenn Barth is recognized as one of the top leaders who brings people of faith together with people of good will for the good of cities and communities.

Study Guide

$10 USD

The Good City: Study Guide

The companion study guide for "The Good City"

This is a book that offers exciting new approaches to encourage people who want to have a positive impact and ally themselves with others who care about the same issues. This study guide will help leaders empower people to pursue their passion and calling in life by recognizing opportunities in the decentralized, postmodern context in which we live and work.

Glenn Barth is recognized as one of the top leaders who brings people of faith together with people of good will for the good of cities and communities.